Sunday, January 26, 2020

Making Punishment Fit The Crime

Making Punishment Fit The Crime Crimes such as drug possession, petty theft, and forgery are non-violent, sometimes victimless crimes, yet over half the United States prison population consists of these type of offenders. Most prisons in the United States house more prisoners than they were built to hold. The United States spends more than forty billion dollars each year on incarceration. Prison overcrowding seems to be the reason that many offenders are kept out of prison, sentenced to short prison terms, and released long before their sentence is complete. Child molesters, armed robbers, and rapists are often paroled as a solution to easing prison overcrowding. Meanwhile, some first-time offenders that commit non-violent crimes are not given the opportunity to be paroled and sometimes end up serving more time than offenders that commit violent crimes. Alternative sentencing can serve as a remedy to prison overcrowding and unfair punishment. Alternative sentencing is a program designed to make punishments fit the crime. Rather than sending a non-violent offender to prison, offenders are alternatively sentenced to punishments such as probation, electronic monitoring, community service, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Alternative sentencing can help to keep an offender from re- offending, thus decreasing the prison population and spending less taxpayer money on prisons. It can also help inmates who have completed their sentence transition back into society successfully. Some states, like Pennsylvania, are reducing prison sentences and releasing non-violent prisoners in order for them to participate in alternative sentencing programs. However, in order to receive alternative sentencing, offenders must meet certain qualifications such as not having a lengthy criminal record, not having committed a serious felony, and must not pose a risk to themselves or the community. According to Bennet, Brandeis Universitys National Institute for Sentencing Alternatives studied North Carolina prisoners criminal histories and its director, Mike Corrigan, said his staff found that 20 to 30 percent of North Carolina prisoners were likely to be safely punished outside prison (Bennet, par 10). Institutions like Brandeis make recommendations to state legislators for alternative sentencing programs. . Unfortunately, state legislators can pass laws that prevent judges from using alternative sentencing especially during election years. Politicians that run their campaigns on the get tough on crime slogan, make it difficult for alternative programs to stay in existence or new programs to be created. Candidates running for the position of judge do not support these programs and judges that are up for re-election tend not to sentence alternatively during election years. One program, however, that most get tough on crime politicians are in favor of is boot-camp for young mal e offenders. This program was started in Georgia and is now being used by 11 states and is said to be working effectively. Boot camp is a much cheaper alternative to prison. It uses a military type of discipline that trains young men to not want to choose to live a life of crime and are less likely to re-offend when released from the program. Other examples of alternative punishment are community service, which can be very cost effective because it uses offenders to perform public labor. It can save money for counties, cities, and states by using this free labor. A punishment for alcohol related crimes like DUI is having a breathalyzer installed on an offenders vehicle which only allows the engine to start after a person blows into it an has no alcohol on his or her breath. This is paid for by the offender and can be a successful deterrent for the offender to consume alcohol, while keeping drunk drivers off the road. Sentencing a petty thief to work a full time job and use his salary to pay restitution to his victim can be a deterrent for an offender to commit another burglary. A drug possession charge where a person is caught with a small amount of drugs can be punished using a plea deal from the prosecutor to have the person voluntarily enroll in a substance abuse program. People convicted of tax evasion can be sentenc ed to a fine and probation rather than being given a prison sentence. Non-violent offenders have to be willing to commit and must want to be show signs of rehabilitation in order for alternative sentencing programs to be effective. Some programs require an offender to retain employment, submit to random drug screenings, electronic monitoring, and weekly meetings with probation officers. An individuals circumstances and environment can be an influence in committing a crime. Someone born into poverty and living in a drug infested community, is more likely to commit a crime than a person who is brought up in better surroundings. These facts are often taken into consideration when a judge hands down a sentence. Because of this, some people oppose alternative punishment. Living in a community that has a high crime rate often leads an offender to re-offend when he is released. Other circumstances like mental illness can be a reason for an individual to commit a crime. Mental illness is another factor that is taken into consideration when a judge hands down a sentence. California has implemented a law that allows alternative sentencing for some veterans. An example of this is an ex-marine that served in the war in Iraq, suffering from and extreme case of post traumatic stress disorder. He walked into a bank unarmed and used a note demanding money from a bank teller. Accord ing to the law, the judge could have sentenced him to 5 years in prison, but he was instead placed in a treatment facility. In the article Coming Home, Sample states that In addition to combat vets with PTSD, the law applies to those suffering from substance abuse or unspecified psychological ailments (Sample, par 4). Many lawyers actually advertise alternative punishment as a means of obtaining clients. These lawyers make every effort to keep an offender out of prison. Some find this to be a despicable means of advertisement as it lures criminals to certain lawyers in order to avoid a prison sentence. Advertisements of this type are useful for an offender that has no criminal record and is convicted of a misdemeanor. The lawyer can help a client like this to receive punishment such as probation, community service, electronic monitoring, or substance abuse treatment. After completing his or her alternative sentence, this offender will more than likely be rehabilitated and less likely to re-offend. On the other hand, alternative sentencing is not likely if these lawyers defend individuals charged with a felony and have lengthy criminal records. Some states such as California and Michigan, utilize a Jail Overcrowding Task Force. The main purpose for this task force is come up with ways to use prison resources to prevent prison overcrowding and save taxpayer dollars for more useful programs such as health care and education. The down side to this is that some counties utilize early release programs for prisoners with very short sentences and do not require offenders to participate in any type community service or rehabilitation program. On the other hand, there are work furlough programs that include electronic monitoring. This is a more acceptable means of alternative punishment. Inmates with short sentences are allowed to obtain employment while serving their sentence. A portion of the offenders paycheck is garnished and paid to the state as a means of paying for his or her incarceration To further alleviate prison overcrowding, electronic monitoring is sometime allowed for these individuals so they are not utilizing a pris on bed that can be used for a violent criminal. A down side to this is the program was expanded and now allows unemployed individuals to participate in electronic monitoring without paying any money to the state. According to Edge, some judges have returned to the colonial sentence of shaming to punish people convicted of crimes. (83). This type of punishment is called public notice. Public notice is a punishment that publicly shames the criminal in an attempt to change his or her attitude and conduct. An excellent example of this is a judge ordering a man convicted of accidental homicide to parade in front of a bar with a sign that read, I killed two people while driving drunk. This public ridicule often deters a criminal from re-offending. The Victim-Offender Mediation Program (VOMP) is a program that involves the victim of a crime. Offenders have a face-to-face meeting with the victim or victims family members and a trained mediator. The offender is told how his or her crime affected the victim and/or family. This can make the offender feel remorse for his crime and explain why he committed the crime and even apologize for it. This program is often successful with juvenile offenders that commit non-violent crimes. In conclusion, each state has its own rules for the punishment of criminals called sentencing guidelines, which are sentencing policies prosecutors and judges use for people convicted of serious misdemeanors and felonies. The crime and the criminals previous criminal history are considered when a judge hands down a sentence. People that oppose alternative sentencing argue that an individuals circumstances are unique and should be considered during sentencing, otherwise there is a possibility of re-offending. People in favor of alternative sentencing argue that otherwise, judges could sentence offenders to different punishments for the same crime. The end result is that prison overcrowding in the United States will never end unless alternative sentencing programs are utilized for non-violent offenders. Prisoners incarcerated for violent crimes and who have lengthy criminal records should not even be considered for alternative sentences.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Linear Regression

Scatter Plots Linear regression Is a crucial tool In Identifying and defining key elements influencing data. Essentially, the researcher is using past data to predict future direction. Regression allows you to dissect and further investigate how certain variables affect your potential output. Once data has been received this information can be used to help predict future results. Regression is a form of forecasting that determines the value of an element on a particular situation. Linear regression allows us to create formulas to define the effects of a variable.Data analysis Is an Important concept In Improving business results. There Is no reason why we would not use the data to help forecast for the future. The information is available and reliable and will explain the breakdown of the entire business process. Break Even Calculations Break-even calculations are used to denote a firm's capital structure, to the extent to which fixed Income securities, debt and preferred stock, are used. The operating leverage can be depicted by graphs to demonstrate relevant probability distributions.Break even points are determined by the quantity measurement of operating income (BIT) being equal to zero, which applies that sales revenues are equal to costs. Break-even analysis, from an operational perspective focuses on the choice of processes, which Implies that the two processes have equal costs for a specific level of volume, referred to as the break-even point. To determine how much volume of business a company must do to break-even can be stated in either monetary units or product unit.The linear model that is utilized to conceptualize the processes denotes that the selling price per unit is constant. In other words the banks fixed costs are the predetermined Interest rates, which Is what the banks financial business depends upon. The variable costs remain constant, which refers to costs for labor. Fixed costs remain constant, which are the operation costs that do not change, such as facility operation costs, insurance and taxes on the facility, senior management salaries, and other overhead expenses.How Does this affect our business? If we go back to the topics we discussed during week two, our business, Diamond Banking, was Interested In the correlation between customer account balances and the number of ATM transactions occurring. Business executives for the company should be interested in using both Linear regression models and break even calculations to determine deferent aspects of the business model. We want to use linear regression to compare past data and net profit with current usage and profits gained.As with every business, we want to make sure that the amount of money we put into operating and servicing the Tam's does not amount to more than the profit we receive from consumers using them. This is where break even calculations would be useful. There are many more examples that we could use in our business practices, both everyday use s, and for yearly comparisons. Graphs, charts and equations models are essential in monitoring and understanding past business successes and failures, and must be used both in current and future annihilation of the business model. Linear Regression Introduction – DescriptionLinear regression is a basic linear approach used for predictive analysis. It is used to model the relationship between one dependant variable y and one or more independent variable denoted X. It is used to examine two things which are: Whether a set of predictor variables can predict an outcome (dependant) variable. To identify which variables are significant predictors of the outcome variable and how they impact the outcome variable. Simple linear regression is used to examine the relationship between a quantitative outcome (dependant) and a single explanatory (independent) variable. The formula is given by y=?_0+?_1 x+? Where y = estimated dependent, response, outcome variable score, ?_0 = constant, and it estimates the y intercept ?_1 = regression coefficient, and it estimates the slope x= score on the independent, predictor, or explanatory variable. ?= is the unexplained, random, or error component. We can get the values of x and y from a sample and the parameters ?_0 and ?_1 are estimated by using the method of least squares or another method. The resulting estimate of the model is given by y ?=b_0+b_1 xThe symbol y ? – pronounced y hat – refers to the predicted values of the outcome variable y that are associated with values ofx, given the linear model. Since linear regression models depend linearly on their unknown parameters they are easier to fit than models which are not linearly related to their parameters.Given n observations pairs (x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2 ),†¦,(x_n,y_n), the predicted response on the ith observation is given by y ?_i=b_0+b_1 x_iAnd the random error component will be given by?_i=y_i-y ?_iA line that fits the data â€Å"best† will be one for which the random errors are as small as possible in some overall sense and this is achieved through least squares. The method of least squares chooses the values forb_0, and b_1 to minimize the sum of squared errors.The Sum of Squares Errors (SSE) is given by the following formulaSSE=?_(i=1)^n(y_i-y ?_i)?^2=?_(i=1)^n(y-b_0-b_1 x)?^2 ?The SSE should be kept as minimal as possible in order to get the line of best fit. If the blue line is a regression line (line of best fit) the observations marked in red are assumed to have come as a result of random deviations – marked in green – from the underlying relationship between the response variable (y) and the predictor variable (x). Source: Wikipedia The regression parameters that give minimum error variance are: b_1=(xy-nx ?y ? ?)/(x^2-nx ?^2 ?) and b_0=y ?-b_1 x ?Where,x ?=1/n ?_(i=1)^n?x_i y ?=1/n ?_(i=1)^n?y_i xy=?_(i=1)^n?x_i y_ix^2 =?_(i=1)^nx_i?^2 History of Simple Linear Regression Models Regression through the use of method of least squares was first published by Adrien-Marie Legendre in 1805 in his paper â€Å"New Methods for Determination of the Orbits of Comets†. In 1809 another mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss published method of least squares in his treatise, â€Å"Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies Moving About the Sun in Conic Sections,† even though Gauss claimed to have discovered it before Legendre. Both mathematicians used least squares in astronomical observations, to determine the orbits of comets and other planets about the Sun and also relative to the earth. They used the method of least squares to predict the position of comets, based on measurements of the comets' previous position. Gauss published a development of the least squares which included the Gauss Markov theorem. The first person to use the term â€Å"regression† was Francis Galton in the 1870s. He used regression to explain a biological phenomenon how â€Å"co-related† trees were to their parents. His findings were published in his 1886 paper Regression Towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature. Karl Pearson, Galton's colleague was the first to link regression with the method of least squares. He discovered that if you plotted the height of parents on the x-axis and their children on the y-axis, resulted in a line of best fit with a slope less than one when using least squares. R. A. Fisher a twentieth century mathematician combined the methods of Gauss and Pearson to develop regression methods as we know it today. Through Fisher's work, regression analysis is no longer limited to prediction and understanding correlations, but also used to determine the relationship between a factor and an outcome. Over the years regression has developed and it now includes logistic regression, non-parametric regression, Bayesian regression and regression that incorporates regularisation. Regression was used for manageable data sets but through technology and computerisation regression can be done on a large data set in less than a second. Uses of Simple Linear Regression ModelSimple linear regression is a model that can determine the relationship between two variables and how one can impact the other. Once the relationship has been determine and its strength verified a simple linear regression can be used to forecast the dependant variable when an independent variable changes. It can be used to predict trends and future values of a phenomenon. The uses of simple linear regression do overlap in practice. Simple linear regression is used across many fields of study and economy, these include – but not limited to – the following: In business and economics it can be used to determine the effect of marketing and pricing on the sales of a product. It can also be used to predict the consumer behaviour in relation to some changes in the different variables. In car sales industry it can be used to predict the car selling price given the odometer reading for used cars. In agriculture it can be used to predict the yield of crop against the amount of rainfall received in a particular season. In Crime Data Mining it can used predict the crime rate of a provinces based on drug usage, human trafficking, etc. Sports journalist and analysts also use regression to predict future results.These are the few applications where simple linear regression can be used but the list is endless. Generally it can be used to simplify, explain and predict many aspects in life. Linear Regression Simple linear regression is the statistic method used to make summary of and provide the association between variables that are continues and quantitative ,basically it deals with two measures that describes how strong the linear relationship we can compute in data .Simple linear regression consist of one variable known as the predictor variable and the other variable denote y known as response variable . It is expected that when we talk of simple linear regression to touch on deterministic relationship and statistical relationship, the concept of least mean square .the interpretation of the b0 and b1 that they are used to interpret the estimate regression . There is also what is known as the population regression line and the estimate regression line .This linearity is measured using the correlation coefficient (r), that can be -1,0,1. The strength of the association is determined from the value of r .( History of simple linear regression Karl Pearson established a demanding treatment of Applied statistical measure known as Pearson Product Moment Correlation .This come from the thought of Sir Francis Galton ,who had the idea of the modern notions of correlation and regression ,Sir Galton contributed in science of Biology ,psychology and Applied statistics . It was seen that Sir Galton is fascinated with genetics and heredity provided the initial inspiration that led to regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation .The thought that encouraged the advance of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation began with vexing problem of heredity to understand how closely features of generation of living things exhibited in the next generation. Sir Galton took the approach of using the sweet pea to check the characteristic similarities. ( Bravais, A. (1846). The use of sweet pea was motivated by the fact that it is self- fertilize ,daughter plants shows differences in genetics from mother with-out the use of the second parent that will lead to statistical problem of assessing the genetic combination for both parents .The first insight came about regression came from two dimensional diagram plotting the size independent being the mother peas and the dependent being the daughter peas. He used this representation of data to show what statisticians call it regression today ,from his plot he realised that the median weight of daughter seeds from a particular size of mother seed approximately described a straight line with positive slope less than 1. â€Å"Thus he naturally reached a straight regression line ,and the constant variability for all arrays of character for a given character of second .It was ,perhaps best for the progress of the correlational calculus that this simple special case should promulgated first. It so simply grabbed by the beginner (Pearson 1930,p.5). Then it was later generalised to more complex way that is called the multiple regression. Galton, F. (1894),Importance of linear regressionStatistics usually uses the term linear regression in interpretation of data association of a particular survey, research and experiment. The linear relationship is used in modelling .The modelling of one explanatory variable x and response variable y will require the use of simple linear regression approach .The simple linear regression is said to be broadly useful in methodology and the practical application. This method on simple linear regression model is not used in statistics only but it is applied in many biological, social science and environmental research. The simple linear regression is worth importance because it gives indication of what is to be expected, mostly in monitoring and amendable purposes involved on some disciplines(April 20, 2011 , plaza ,).Description of linear regression The simple linear regression model is described by Y=(?0 + ?1 +E), this is the mathematical way of showing the simple linear regression with labelled x and y .This equation gives us a clear idea on how x is associated to y, there is also an error term shown by E. The term E is used to justification for inconsistency in y, that we can be able to detect it by the use of linear regression to give us the amount of association of the two variables x and y .Then we have the parameters that are use to represent the population (?0 + ?1x) .We then have the model given by E(y)= (?0 + ?1x), the ?0 being the intercept and ?1 being the slope of y ,the mean of y at the x values is E(y) . The hypothesis is assumed is we assume that there is a linear association between the two variables ,that being our H0 and H1 we assume that there is no linear relationship between H0 and H1. Background of simple linear regression Galton used descriptive statistics in order for him to be able to generalise his work of different heredity problems .The needed opportunity to conclude the process of analysing these data, he realised that if the degree of association between variables was held constant,then the slope of the regression line could be described if variability of the two measure were known . Galton assumed he estimated a single heredity constant that was generalised to multiple inherited characteristics . He was wondering why, if such a constant existed ,the observed slopes in the plot of parent child varied too much over these characteristics .He realise variation in variability amongst the generations, he attained at the idea that the variation in regression slope he obtained were solely due to variation in variability between the various set of measurements . In resent terms ,the principal this principal can be illustrated by assuming a constant correlation coefficient but varying the standard deviations of the two variables involved . On his plot he found out that the correlation in each data set. He then observe three data sets ,on data set one he realised that the standard deviation of Y is the same as that of X , on data set two standard deviation of Y is less than that of X ,third data set standard deviation of Y is great than that of X . The correlation remain constant for three sets of data even though the slope of the line changes as an outcome of the differences in variability between the two variables.The rudimentary regression equation y=r(Sy / Sx)x to describe the relationship between his paired variables .He the used an estimated value of r , because he had no knowledge of calculating it The (Sy /Sx) expression was a correction factor that helped to adjust the slope according to the variability of measures .He also realised that the ratio of variability of the two measures was the key factor in determining the slope of the regression line . The uses of simple linear regression Straight relapse is a typical Statistical Data Analysis strategy. It is utilized to decide the degree to which there is a direct connection between a needy variable and at least one free factors. There are two sorts of straight relapse, basic direct relapse and different straight relapse. In straightforward direct relapse a solitary autonomous variable is utilized to anticipate the estimation of a needy variable. In numerous straight relapse at least two free factors are utilized to anticipate the estimation of a needy variable. The contrast between the two is the quantity of free factors. In the two cases there is just a solitary ward variable The needy variable must be estimated on a nonstop estimation scale (e.g. 0-100 test score) and the free variable(s) can be estimated on either an all out (e.g. male versus female) or consistent estimation scale. There are a few different suppositions that the information must full fill keeping in mind the end goal to meet all requirements for straight relapse. Basic straight relapse is like connection in that the reason for existing is to gauge to what degree there is a direct connection between two factors. The real contrast between the two is that relationship sees no difference amongst autonomous and subordinate factors while direct relapse does. Specifically, the reason for direct relapse is to â€Å"anticipate† the estimation of the reliant variable in light of the estimations of at least one free factors. When you procure me to do the measurable investigation for your exposition, I ensure that I will utilize the fitting factual tests for your thesis comes about section. I can perform basically any standard measurable examination (utilizing SPSS) and I give on ¬ going factual help to guarantee that you completely see the greater part of the measurements that I regression.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The End of Social Argumentative Essay Topics

The End of Social Argumentative Essay Topics Social Argumentative Essay Topics Secrets It is possible to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. Conclusion when you are done placing all of your information in the body paragraphs, you must compose a conclusion. The topics must have two sides and they need to be quite intriguing. The Foolproof Social Argumentative Essay Topics Strategy For a superb argumentative essay, you're going to concentrate on argumentative topics that are debatable, current, manageable, and above all researchable. When you must understand how to begin an essay, you always need to start with an intriguing hook that suits the subject of your paper. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. If you need to write your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Due to the previous angle, a lot of people get into lots of difficulties writing essays on funny argumentative essay topics. Write about a problem you have or would like to address. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper can help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. Short essay on the example of leonard Com writing good autobiographical essays requires good writers that could be searched through don't be worried if you can't compose a very good essay yourself. The thesis provides you with a guideline on how best to go about with writing the essay. The thesis will reveal the reader precisely where you stand. After you have topics to select from, it is essential that you choose one which you can write about comfortably. So make certain you decide on a subject, which has values in it. Therefore, the topic ought to be debatable! Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. Colleges can tell whenever your essay is only a form essay. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. They are used to the fact that their professors give them the assignment's topic. Essay writing is a well-known practice in many schools and colleges across the usa. When it has to do with the middle school, the argumentative essay consists of moderate topics. Examine the list to choose the topic which can help you compose a creative essay for your middle school class. If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should decide on a subject of high importance. Read the list and stay in mind that interesting topics are a perfect way for an intriguing assignment. Contradictive Your topic should stir a number of opinions among the general public. The help here comes in various categories. One particular important and appropriate subject is technology. Remember your essay shouldn't be a string of jokes, it's a narrative it ought to have a start, middle and the end. Humorous essays are frequently a great deal more fun to write. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are ordinarily at no cost. Professional es say writers at 5staressays can help you, should you're looking for specialists to guide you. It's possible to support a specific idea whilst criticizing different facets but let the reader decide. The reader needs to be impressed by how you defend your ideas. He should take the author's side by the end of the reading. Your readers want to see the entire picture, and that's what you should concentrate on. The Little-Known Secrets to Social Argumentative Essay Topics As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing standpoint. Thus, for your coursework, you are going to want to have the very best ideas. At times, utilizing the exact same topics over and over again makes students bored and not able to find inspiration to compose essays. So far as the students are involved, writing a research paper is among the toughest and frustrating undertaking in their opinion. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. If when you are preparing a report you merely analyze specific literature, the essay demands an excellent penetration into the issue. Argumentative writings is a particular sort of a paper.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Tradings - 889 Words

The two trades that I choose to discuss about are the mid-term and long-term bond. First of all, in terms of CB2020, the trade starts by short selling the bond at t40 at a price of $101 after the news of CPI Index increase and Bank of Canada raises overnight rate. As a higher inflation rate or overnight rate would raise the nominal interest rate as well as the yield of bonds and thus lower the price of bonds. The bond is bought back at t160 at $98.5, which is around the one-year low of the bond. The second bond to be discussed is the long-term bond(CB2025), which is bought at t30 at a price of about $92. The reason of buying is that at the beginning of the second period, bond price drops significantly to the one-year low of below $92.†¦show more content†¦As the orders fall more than expected, all zero-coupon bonds’ yields fall, and longer term bonds have larger decline in price. Looking into the overall portfolio, starting at $10 million CAD, the overall profit earned after the trading period is around $680,000 CAD. Over the first period, the profit steadily grows to $200,000 and there is a significant drop to $80,000 at the end of the period. Since the second period starts, the overall profile experiences a steady increase to just above $100,000, followed by a significant increase from t400 to t430. In the periods from t500 to t540, the profit pops to $500,000 and at the very end of trading periods, there is another significant increase to about $680,000. It is quite an improvement compared to the first around of investment since both rounds share some similar news and it is a much better result in Heat 3 than that in Heat 1. However, considering what I have learnt from this activity, I believe there are a lot of chances to improve the overall performance in Heat 3. In a more specific term, by breaking down the PL of the portfolio, the realized profits of the short term, mid-term and long-term bonds are $327,000, $149,000 and $496,000, respectively. All the three bonds have similar trends in price line except that at the end of second period, the short-term bond fluctuates in the range of $100.6 to $101.8 while the other two bonds experience huge price rocket. For the short-termShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Trading In Stocks1161 Words   |  5 PagesTrading in stocks is somewhat more of a gamble. When one decides to deal in stocks, they are aware of the volatility of stock markets. Stocks prices will go up one instance and spiral down the next. Whatever the case maybe, an investor will either make more money or lose large sums in investments. However, in this regard, let us look at a market whose stocks have gone down. By the time you are done reading this, you will have learned one or two things on how to make money when stocks go down. 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While trading of debt and commodities has its origins in the Middle Ages, the modern concept of a stock market began in the late 16th century. Stock markets were started when countries in the New World began trading with each other. While many pioneer merchants wanted to start huge businesses, this required substantial amounts of capital that no single merchantRead MoreOur Group Consists Of Four Unique Students1298 Words   |  6 Pagesunprofitable stocks. Our strategy of analyzing stocks of interest worked well due to the fact that we all collaborated together about the potential of the stocks before deciding to purchase the stock. We decided to be open to everyone’s opinion because trading without the input of others wouldn’t be quite fair and would potentially lead to conflict among the group. We were also sufficient in listening to the group members’ opinion of whether they thought that certain trades would be a great trade or ifRead MoreFirst Nation Community : A Part Of The Community1552 Words   |  7 Pagescorrespondents likewise demonstrated in advancing a more positive picture of the Hupaca sath community. The pros and cons of the interventions: Pros The pros include, †¢ It helps to socialization. †¢ The main benefit is to get more job opportunities and trading options. †¢ More investment from outside or from the neighborhood communities. †¢ Industrialization. †¢ Community development. Cons The cons include, †¢ It leads to enculturation due to the influence of other cultures. †¢ Loss of resources. All ourRead MoreAre You Just Starting Out In The Stock Market? If So, You1671 Words   |  7 Pageswas issued making information public and when it appeared in the papers. But day traders and swing traders are frequently able to exploit the information delay for small, quick profits. As they say, buy on the rumor, sell on the news. Circular Trading In this scheme, one person or group of persons may arrange to trade the same stock back and forth between two accounts - making volume artificially increase, and making the stock appear more liquid than it actually is. This can attract certain kinds